WLF grieves the passing of Erin Ennis

Lacrosse friends,

It is with great sadness that I share with you that Wisconsin Lacrosse has lost Erin Ennis to his heroic battle with cancer.  Cancer may have won the battle for his body, but it didn’t have a chance against his mind or his always positive outlook; and it didn’t have a chance of taking any of the memories we have of him.

For those of you who didn’t know Erin, here is what you missed:  Erin was a long time Boys Coach at Arrowhead, both JV and Varsity.  After he “retired” from that career, he became the Girls Varsity Coach at Oconomowoc.

Because he could never find enough to keep himself busy, he served as WLF President and currently served as Past President.  He was also instrumental in making Lacrosse a sanctioned sport by the WIAA.

Erin asked that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Youth Lacrosse of Wisconsin.  We are establishing The Erin Ennis Youth Lacrosse Fund for this purpose.

Checks to be made out to:  Wisconsin Lacrosse Federation  (memo line:  Erin Ennis Youth Lacrosse Fund)

and can be sent to:

Wisconsin Lacrosse Federation

3215 Golf Road Suite 192

Delafield, WI 53018

For those of you who crossed paths with Erin over the years, I probably don’t have to say much.

A true ambassador for Lacrosse.  I will miss my friend Erin, but I will not forget him.


Randy Kohn

WLF President